Walmart's Most Unusual Shoppers!

Walmart's Most Unusual Shoppers!

This post was originally featured on heroinvesting.

Walmart is home to more than just low prices, it is also home to a customer base unlike any other. You can find anything and anyone at Walmart. We created a list that celebrates just how "unique" the people of Walmart truly are.

Mullet Tail

At first, we thought this was a tail, then we thought it was a really bad mullet. For the sake of argument, we have settled on mullet tail and can all agree that a haircut wouldn't hurt this guy.


"If your passport photo looks like a before and after for a haircut commercial, you might have a mullet." - Jeff Foxworthy

Now That's True Love

You know it's true love when your boyfriend is willing to push you around just so you don't miss any of your text messages while shopping. He looks so thrilled about it too.


"Men shopping with their girlfriends is just an Olympic sport where the aim is to see how long you can sit on the store bench without getting in trouble." - Chris Rock